Monday, August 21, 2006

I Saw the Real Deal at Bluebird Blues Club!

Every once in a blue moon you get the opportunity to experience moments so real and powerful that you just don't want it to end. Last night we experienced 20 such minutes when THE Ray Reed took the stage at Bluebird!

I've always known of Ray Reed and Ms Kim along with the legendary Lady Pearl, but I've never experienced the Ray Reed I saw last night! His rendition of "Mr Charlie" was nothing short of magical, all I could do was shake my head hm, hmm, hmm! Ray Reed thank you, for that gift. You left something real at the Bluebird and in the hearts of everyone in attendance.

For those reading this if, you think that what I say is hyperbole or an exaggeration.... well you don't know tha half of it!!


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